Thursday, June 16, 2011

His last command, our first concern

Today and all through the next week my heart is going out to a special group of people from my church who are leaving Saturday to go to Nicaragua to spread the love of Jesus. I was originally supposed to go, but life got in the way so now I'm just praying for all of these missionaries. I know that God is going to use them in amazing ways, and my prayer is that they reflect Him with such a passion that it breaks barriers in the entire country. I also pray that the lives of those going are changed as well, but ultimately that all the glory be to God. I know each and every person going is filled with so much love that they're ready to pour out. I can't wait to hear about it when they get back. So, whoever may be reading this, please pray for these people too! God hears it all! Let the Holy Spirit work.
On a seperate note, later next week I'm going to Dallas with my bff Emily (I'm welcoming this roadtrip with open arms). We're going to the Warped Tour to see Relient K, and I am going to fulfill my childhood (and current) dream of meeting Matt Thiessen. We're also going to a soccer game and we're going to Ikea and we're going to eat at good places and it's just going to be lotsandlotsandlots of fun. Emphasis on Ikea, because we're going to buy stuff for our apartment because we have an apartment! It was a close call, but I am living on campus with my own bedroom and washer and dryer just like I wanted. And I couldn't be happier. Thank you to Tyler, the man behind the phone at housing, for putting up with all of my craziness. Now if I can get myself a decent on campus job, I will have nothing to complain about (yeah, yeah...always something).
As far as school goes, everything else has seemed to fall into place too. I know, how often does that happen? In addition to my living situation working out, I've also got a major picked (speech pathology-for now) and gotten my classes scheduled. I keep wishing my summer away...I know I shouldn't, but I'm beyond ready for a new routine. I can't even count how many times I've said "Mom, I am an ADULT" this week. Even though I only feel like one about 50% of the time. Lord knows I'll be coming home all the time though because I can't stay away from that sweet baby brother of mine.
Anyway, it's late, I'm tired, but there's the latest on my life. Like I said, pray for everyone who's following God's call to Nicaragua and while you're at it pray for me and this crazy week I have coming up.
I'll end with a verse that Mrs. Elicia shared with our group of college and career girls tonight that resonated with me. I've heard it before, but I saw a whole new WWJD depth in it. So I'm going to try to start acting on this and lovin' thy neighbor and all that good stuff.
"Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." - 1 John 4:7-8

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

When one door closes...

Hi, world. Lately, I've had so many thoughts/life changes/emotions that they've given me a desire to write a blog. As if I don't ramble to enough people in my life, now I'm sharing my excess thoughts with the world wide web. Woohoo, get excited.
Not really. I'm too tired to say much now, but hopefully I can use this to give those who care about my life an update on it. Right now the big thing coming up next for me is the 'c' word. The big hovering cloud of doom that's just waiting to pour all of its curses upon my life...that's not dramatic, right? Just kidding. I'm talking about (if it wasn't obvious) college. I'm really not dreading it that much, but I feel far from prepared. I'm still a baby...the most advanced thing I can cook is boxed macaroni, and my daddy still takes my car to get oil changes for me. Yet, in a matter of months I'm going to be on my own. Here's to hoping the world doesn't swallow me up and spit me out. Yeah, I know. I'll be fine. A girl's allowed to worry.
I guess I'm just thinking about these things because of graduation and all the graduation parties and events that have been going on. All the people I've been going to school with forever will seperate. All of the people that I haven't gotten to know will remain strangers (even though in the back of my mind I'm like, "What do I care? Get me away from these people!"). All of my friends will hopefully stay in touch, but then again they may not. The future is quickly becoming the present. It's bittersweet, but I haven't really thought about it enough to form a completely optimistic or completely pessimistic point of view. I'm just taking everything as it comes.
As far as school itself goes, I'm going to Louisiana Tech in Ruston. I'm living in an on-campus apartment with my bff Emily, and as of right now I don't have a major picked. Surprisingly, I'm not very stressed out by this because I like having all possibilities open (but don't mistake 'not very stressed' for no stress at all...). I don't know if I'll go with something that lets me be creative or a sure-fire money maker or what. Guess we'll see, won't we? Oh, the joy of the uncertainty that is God's plan.
Sorry this wasn't very exciting...also I'm not usually this nostalgic or reflective. Anyway, as it's the very beginning of summer, my sleep schedule isn't completely screwed up yet, so my internal bedtime is beckoning me.
Till next time.